Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Bottles pt 2 May 23 2009

Last Worship summary:

When that mind that was in Christ emptied himself, then what came? God filled Him. When that mind that was in Him is in us and does in us what it did in Him--empties us of self--what then will fill the place? God in Christ will fill us. Then God in Christ dwells in us. But that takes self out of the way.

Now what mind is in us to start with, the mind of self. What does that mind do? It exalts self. What kind of mind is it we have to start with? The natural mind, a man has a natural mind, and he must have another mind. He must have the mind that was in Christ, but that mind that is in Christ only empties of self the one in whom it dwells. Therefore as we have a mind to start with and must have another than that, while that other empties of self the one in whom it is, does it not follow inevitably that the mind which we have to start with, is a mind only of self?




The man who finds that hatred of evil, that desire for something better, that will to do good, is that the doing of good? ["No."] Can He do the good that He is drawn to, by that impulse? ["No."] Let us read in Romans and see what is done. Rom. 3:10, 12th verse:" Is that so? How can we talk about a heathen doing well? Does he do well? "There is none that doeth good, no, not one." What we are talking about is the heathen.

Romans 7:14, the carnal mind is the natural mind. Whose mind is the natural mind? Satan's, which is the mind of self, and it, is the mind of Satan. Well, let us read further. ("For that which I do, I allow not.") What is the reason I do not allow what I do? What is the matter with it? Why can't I allow it? Because I know it is wrong. It is not good. If it were good could I not allow it? "That which I do, I allow not." What is actually done then, the good? No: The bad, the wrong.

"For what I would, that I do not." What would he do? ["Good."] That which I would I do not. What would he do? ["Good."] What did he do? ["Wrong."] Then on both these points what was done? The evil

"But what I hate, that do I." What did he hate? Sin: He hated the evil, the wrong, and the bad. But what did he do? The evil: He did the evil; he did the wrong; he did the bad.

Then how much good does the natural man do, none. Although he hates the bad, how much good does he do? None, He would do the good, but how much of the good that he would does he actually do? None, Now is that so? ["Yes."] It is so, for the Bible says so. Then what in the world is the use of anybody's talking about the heathen doing well, or even a Jew doing good or any man doing good, who has only the natural mind and is only the natural man? This is not saying whether he has impulses to good or not; that is not the question. He had these impulses all the time, didn't he? He had the knowledge of good, so much that he hated the bad things that he was doing.

Now think of that. There was the natural man: there was a man like you and I and every other man born into this world. He had impulses to good; he had the knowledge of good; he hated the evil; but what did he do? Not what did he think? Not what did he know? But what did he do? He did the evil. It is not a question of what he knew. Did he do anything else than evil? No. He knew something else; he knew better, didn't he? [Yes,"] Then let us not pass off our right knowing for right doing. Let us not pass off our right knowledge for right deeds. Knowledge of right is not doing right. So he did not do any good. Who is that? It is you and I--the natural man. Is that I? Yes. Without the mind of Christ itself is that I? Yes. Then though I profess to believe in Christ, if the mind of Christ itself is not there is that I? Yes. Is it you? ["Yes,].

"If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it." No. I said I would not do it. I said that I hated it and declared that I would never do it again. But I did do it. Then when I hated it and resolved and re-resolved and determined that I would never do it again and yet did it, what in the world was the matter with me? I had the knowledge but did not have the power. Now the gospel of Christ, "which is Christ in you," that is power. It is the power of God to everyone that believeth.

Well, then, the natural man is not free, is he? ["No, sir."] He is not in a condition where he can do what he would, even with the bedimmed intellect and the obscured mind that he has. He cannot live up to his own standard. But is what he would do as he sees it, is that as God would have him do it? [: "No."] Or as God would do it? ["No."] Whose right-doing are we to have? ["God's."] Yes, for God's righteousness is what we are to have. And righteousness is right doing. So that it is God's right doing that we must have. Then our understanding is exceedingly low, even with the light which God has let shine into our hearts. Then where is the good doing of any man in this world who has not the mind of Jesus Christ?

"For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not." What is it that is present with us? To will to do well: Then what did that putting of enmity there against Satan--what was that the doing of? Is not it setting the man free to will? Yes. Was it anything more than that? ["No."] Now think carefully of this; I mean on this point. There are other things in it, of course, but did that do any more for the man to enable him to do right things and glorify God, did it do any more for him than to set free his will, which he might choose which master he would have? [Congregation

"No."] It put the hatred there, and gave him the knowledge of something better. It gives the hatred of evil, leads him out towards the good, but does it enable him to do the good? ["No Now just another thought there. He hates the evil and declares he never will do it, and yet against his will and against all his being for that matter, it is done. But what is it, and who is it, that actually does it? ["'Sin that dwelleth in him,"] And who rules that? ["Satan."] Who is the master of that man? ["Satan."]

Now when the man is set free from that carnal mind, that mind of self and Satan, who controls that man? Who then is his master? ["Christ."] Yes. He who sets him free, It is Christ Jesus. Then when we are free from Satan's mastery we become bound to another Master. Satan's mastery is slavery and ruin; Christ's mastery is freedom and everlasting life, everlasting joy, and everlasting prosperity.

Now carry that thought a little further. When we had the mind of Satan and he was ruling, we said we would not do those evil things, but just those were done. Who did it? ["Sin that dwelleth in us,"] We said we will do so and so. We did not. Who kept us from it? ["Satan."] But now in Christ we are free from him: we have the other mind. We say we will do that. Who does it? ["Christ."] While in the natural mind we refuse and who does it? ["Satan."] And when in the mind of Christ we choose and who does it? ["Christ."] Is that so? [It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do, of His good pleasure.

"For the good that I would, I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" What is the condition of the man who has only the natural mind? ["Wretched."] Yes, and in captivity. And the more intense the hatred of the evil the more wretched the condition, because there is no deliverance from it in anything the man can do for himself. Well, then, who shall deliver? "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord." "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." Amen, Amen and Amen

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