Monday, May 18, 2009

Mercy and Grace

Dear Friend,


One way I like to think of the kingdom of God is as a big room.  It's full of grace, love, forgiveness, mercy and kindness.  The Bible is like the windows.  Each of us is privileged to look through the window, and learn about what is inside the room.  Through each window we can see what is inside from a different angle.  And it's the same with the Bible.  For example, as we read what the Bible says about grace, we see different aspects of it.  As we read the parables Jesus taught about grace, and read how Jesus practiced grace, we see it from different perspectives. 


This last weekend at a retreat I was in a discussion group, and my good friend Dean was in the same group.  We were all discussing grace, and he brought up a couple good points that I had never noticed before.  Mercy and grace are very similar, and many times we use the terms synonymously.  "What is another definition of grace? Mercy,"  "What is another definition of mercy?  Grace."  But there are some differences.  Mercy has to do with not receiving negative results, or punishment.  For example, if I am speeding, and am pulled over, and the patrolman lets me go without a ticket, that's mercy.  If I make a mistake when I'm building something, and my boss doesn't make me pay for the lumbar that is all useless now, that's mercy. 


But grace has to do with positive things, rewards we might call them, that are not deserved, For example, if someone comes and pays my rent for me when I don't deserve it, that's grace.  If, after wrecking my brother's car, he turns around and buys me a new one, that's grace.  After I've spoken mean words to someone, and they not only not reply with the same words, but instead speak positively and kindly to me, that is grace. 


Paul started, both of his letters to Timothy- "Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord."  God gives us both mercy and grace.  Mercy when we don't get what we deserve: eternal death for our sins.  And grace when He gives us eternal life in heaven. 


That room that is a symbol of heaven is where I want to be someday.  I want to be in God's kingdom, don't you?  It's full of mercy and grace, and as I look in the windows, I realize that I must have mercy and grace in order to enter there.  God isn't going to change the basis of His government for me; no, I must change with His help in order to be fit for heaven.  Heaven is about grace and mercy, and heaven will be filled with people who have the same spirit in their lives; grace and mercy.


Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."  Matthew 5:7.  I know all of us want mercy from God, so let's be full of mercy as we prepare for heaven!  And I'm glad it's that way.  That's the only way you and I can get eternal life, through God's mercy and His grace.


Let's put them both into practice in our lives, OK?  I'm praying for you!



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