Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Becoming like little children

Dear Friend,


This morning in my devotions I was reading in Matthew 18.  The disciples came to Jesus, and asked Him who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus called a little child over to their group, and had him stand among them.  Jesus told them, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."  Essentially He told them that instead of seeking to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, they needed to make some changes, otherwise they would never even be there. 


The change He asked for was that they would be become like a little child, let's take a moment and look at some of the characteristics of a little child that we need to become like, trusting.  Children are very trusting.  If mom and dad say it, then they trust them.  They might ask questions, and use the "why" word a lot, but overall children trust their parents.  Do you trust God like a child, even when you're "whys" are not answered?


They know where their refuge is.  Children love to explore and be with their friends and playmates.  They like to do new things, But when trouble comes, or they're hurt or in danger, they want their parents.  I've hung out with kids and played with them, and they like me and we're all getting along fine until they bump their head or scrape a knee, and I will pick them up and hold them and say nice things, but it doesn't matter.  They want their mom and dad now!  That's where they are secure.  Do you run to God when you are in trouble, or run away like Adam?  Do you know where your refuge is?


Their knowledge base is very limited, but that doesn't stop them.  Children are very smart, but their knowledge is very limited.  But they still love, trust, obey, and follow directions.  They don't wait until everything makes sense before they obey; no, sometimes "because mommy says so" is enough.  How about you and I?  Do we trust God even when we don't understand?  When God requires something of us, is a "because God says so" enough?  Can we obey based on trust, and not wait for every doubt to be removed?


I'm sure that there are many other good characteristics that children have that we must have in our lives to prepare us for heaven.  What are your thoughts?  What are some of the things we need to do and change in our lives to become like little children?  I'd love to hear your input!


Check out this quote I just read:  "We are as ignorant of God as little children, but as little children we may love and obey Him. Instead of speculating in regard to His nature or His prerogatives, let us give heed to the word He has spoken: 'Be still, and know that I am God.' Psalm 46:10."  The Faith I live by, page 61.


I think that one of the most common phrases I hear from parents in church to their young children is "Be still!"  Always full of energy and wanting to move, move, move; children need to be reminded constantly to "Be still!"  And I think that our heavenly Father is saying the same to each of us as well:  "Be still!  Take some time to hear my voice, and let me speak to you in my word.  Stop rushing around, and be still and know that I am God." 


Take the time to be still today!  I'm praying for you.



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