Sunday, June 14, 2009

Romans study 1 June 14, 2009

Those that believe the gospel will

Be saved. Is there nothing besides the gospel to teach? "It is the power of

God unto salvation," What do we want besides salvation? What more

Can we ask for?

The gospel brings righteousness. The righteousness of God is what God

Does, it is His way. To be in harmony with Him is to make His way our way.

The e gospel reveals this way to us (Romans 1:17), and not only this, but it

Is the power of God to work out His way in us? The Bible is a statement of

God's way, and this is summed up in the ten commandments, which are a

Declaration of His righteousness, Isaiah 51:6, 7; In Matthew 6:33, Christ

Declares this righteousness to be the one thing needful, why? Righteousness

Is life: and the man who has God's righteousness has everything in this

World, and in the world to come Verse 17: Here we have righteousness by faith. "The just shall live by

Faith," Nothing else, by faith and works, "Add not thou unto His words, lest

He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." To be just is to be righteous, and

A righteous man will do righteous acts. That is the fruit of righteousness. But

How does he do these works? By faith: John 6:28, 29. "This is the work of

God that ye believe," Possibly we have had a narrow idea of what faith is.

"The just shall live by faith." Here is the whole thing. Nothing can be

Added to the preaching of the righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ:

What about these doctrines, as the Sabbath, immortality, etc.? Since the

"Kingdom of God and His righteousness" is the one thing needful, and since

There is nothing unimportant in the Bible; all of these doctrines are simply

Divisions, lines depending upon that one thing — all summed up in the doctrine

Of righteousness by faith; we can preach nothing else; for everything

Outside of this is sin. Verse 18, Wrath is revealed against those who "hold (or restrain) the truth

In unrighteousness," Connect this verse with chapter 10:3. God is a living

God: His throne is a living throne. There is the water of life, and the tree of

Life, — everything is life. Therefore His righteousness is active, is life. Some

Men, ignorant of this righteousness, refuse to submit themselves to it, and

Resist it. God will punish men. Why? Because they identify themselves with

Unrighteousness: They are permeated by it, and, when that is gone — for sin


Amc Records/Ministries

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