Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The good news about hell, part 2


Pastor's Corner

    June 3, 2009





Dear Friend,


Last week we talked about someone that hates to be around God's people, God's music, God's plans, and God's house. Would he be happy if God were to take him to heaven? Some people might argue that yes, he would be, because heaven is going to be so great and wonderful that if we just took him there kicking and screaming, that once he was there he would suddenly say, "Wow, I love this place!" and would be forever changed into being a Christian. But the Bible tells us that God doesn't do it that way; He gives us time now to make our decision, and if someone hates God here, then if he were to see Him in heaven he would still dislike Him.


Now, we've entitled this "The Good News about Hell", so let's look at five good things about hell –


1.    Hell's purpose is cleansing, not torture.

Most people look at hell as this big torture area under Satan's leadership where God sticks people to punish them for eternity for not obeying Him. But the Bible shows a very different picture. It says that hell is for Satan and his angels, not for their employment or enjoyment, but to eradicate them. And not only for their annihilation, but for all the pollution and garbage and sin that is on this planet and in the atmosphere. God uses fire to cleanse the universe to make way for a new atmosphere and the new earth. (Matthew 25:41, Isaiah 47:14, 2 Peter 3:7-13, Revelation 20:13-15; Revelation 21:1.)


2.    Hell is eternal death, not eternal life

The Bible tells us: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23. To say that a person will live forever in hell would be a gift, according to the Bible. It never specifies that the eternal life it promises is in heaven, or glory, but that the gift is eternal life, as compared with eternal death. And the Bible tells us that the saved will spend eternity in the earth made new with Jesus. So the gift of God that He gives to the saved is eternal life, and the wages of sin is death, Eternal.


3.    Hell is not burning now.

We attend funerals, and usually there are people who stand up and tell all the good things that the person did in their lives. But we all know that they were not saints, and sometimes they didn't live like a saint! So for those who believe that when a person dies they go straight to heaven or hell, there's this little question that pops up: What if they're not in heaven right now? What if they are in hell? But when they realize that hell is not burning right now, that's good news, because we don't even have to wonder or have a shred of doubt about our loved ones' torture or peace. The Bible says clearly that everyone, the good and the bad, the saved and the unsaved, are in the grave resting, until the resurrection morning. (Malachi 3:1-4, Matthew 13:40-43, Revelation 20:11-15.)


4.    Hell is clearly described in the Bible.

God has given everyone two simple choices: Have a committed relationship with Him now, and spend eternity in the new earth, or don't respond to Him, and perish in hell. Some might say, "Hold on, I don't see any good news about that!" But it is good news, and here's why: There's no guess work. God is clear on what the requirements are, and He's just as clear on what the options are. Choose today. Make your choices now, and the results are for eternity. (Ezekiel 18:31, Ezekiel 33:11.)


5.    It's not God's will for anyone to be in hell.

I saved the best till last. Did you know its God's will that you are saved, and not in hell? I think that's good news. In fact, I think that's the best news in the whole world! Hey, if God is for you, what do you have to worry about? Wouldn't it be a real bummer if the Bible says that God wants some people in hell? Then I'd wonder if He wanted me in hell! But it doesn't; in fact, the Bible is clear what God's will really is! Check this out: "This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to

A knowledge of the truth," "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."

1st Timothy 2:3, 4; John 3:16, 17.


I hope this helps you to look at hell in a different light, but also look at God's love, and His will for your life. He wants you to be saved! And He wants you to spend eternity with Him. The question right now: do you?


Have a great week! I'm praying for you!





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