Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Antichrist - A Comparison of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13) Pt 2 June 05 2009

Now let's take a closer look at the similarities:


Rev. 13:1, Daniel 7:3

2. 'like unto a leopard', 'another, like a leopard'

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:6

3. 'feet of a bear', 'like to a bear'

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:5

4. 'mouth of a lion', 'was like a lion'

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:4

5. 'the dragon', 'a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible'

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:7

6. 'seven heads', (the four beasts have a total of 7 heads)

Rev. 13:1, Daniel 7:4-7

7. 'ten horns', 'it had ten horns'

Rev. 13:1, Daniel 7:7

Notice also that the beast and the little horn rule for the same period of time:

8. 'forty and two months', 'time, times, and dividing of time'

Rev. 13:5, Daniel 7:25

The beast and the little horn have a notable leader:

9. 'number of a man', 'eyes of a man'

Rev. 13:18, Daniel 7:8

The beast of Revelation 13 and the little horn do the same things:

10. 'blasphemy against God', 'speak great words'

Rev. 13:5-6, Daniel 7:8, 20, 25

11.'make war with the saints', 'made war with the saints'

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:21

Here are some additional points:
Notable power and position comes from the 'dragon':

12. 'Gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority', "fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly... and it had ten horns.'

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:7

The beast receives a deadly wound:

13. 'wounded to death'

Rev. 13:3

This wound is healed and the beast regains worldwide influence and power:

14. 'and his deadly wound was healed'

Rev. 13:3

The beast is a religious power that receives worship:

15. 'all the world wondered...and they worshipped the beast', "shall be diverse"

Rev. 13:3-4, Daniel 7:24

Through the books of Revelation and Daniel God gives us a thorough description of the antichrist of Bible prophecy. It is important to identify the antichrist because from it will come the sign, or "mark", of its authority. Against this mark, "the mark of the beast", or the mark of the authority of the antichrist, comes one of the Bible's strongest prohibitions.

"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:" Revelation 14:9-10

16. 'And he causeth all, to receive a mark', 'think to change times and laws:'

Rev. 13:15-17, Daniel 7:25
(see also Romans 6:16)

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